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Tag Archives: Nagorno Karabakh

East of the Moon, West of the Sun – part 16: Freedom camping

This is the story of my 5-month eastern journey through Turkey, Georgia, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Nagorno Karabakh and Iran. I spent most of its night freedom camping.   Go to part 15: “Wild camping” In the previous chapter I showed you the most interesting places I camped throughout Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Abkhazia. Now you will see some of my bivouacs during the rest of the journey – Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Iran. Armenians are very proud that their country was the first in the world to adopt Christianity as its official religion in 301 A.D. There are ancient churches scattered […]

На авто-стоп из Азия / Hitchhiking through Asia

  Цялата експедиция “На изток – в нощ, на запад – в ден” – 5 месеца пътуване на авто-стоп из Азия (Турция, Грузия, Азербайджан, Армения, Нагорни Карабах, Абхазия и Иран), – събрана само в 3 минути. The whole expedition “East of the Moon, West of the Sun” – 5 months of hitchhiking through Asia (Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Nagorno Karabakh, Abkhazia and Iran), – in only 3 minutes.

На авто-стоп из Азия / Hitchhiking through Asia

Презентация “На изток – в нощ, на запад – в ден” – част 2

  Видео-запис на втората част от моята презентация “На изток – в нощ, на запад – в ден” в кино “Влайкова” на 09.03.2017 г., посветена на 5-месечната ми обиколка из Азия. В нея разказвам случки от Грузия, Азербайджан, Армения и непризнатата република Нагорни Карабах. Към част 1 >> Към част 3 >>


East of the Moon, West of the Sun

East of the Moon, West of the Sun /  На изток – в нощ, на запад – в ден 01.05.2016  – 19.09.2016 English: That’s what my last 5-month Asian walking/hitchhiking adventure looked like. The map shows 5 countries (Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran) and 2 (somewhat) autonomous republics (Nagorno Karabakh, Abkhasia), 3 seas (Mediterranean, Black, Caspian) and 1 gulf (the Persian), around 20 000 km. (it’s impossible to calculate an exact number, because I crossed Armenia 2 times and Georgia – 4). But you can not see on it the fatigue of the Lycian Way (520 km of trekking), the snow […]
